
Mantlerhof Weitgasse Gruener Veltliner 2018 Kremstal

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  • $25.00
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I never got on the Gruener bandwagon a decade ago when somms thought every wine list needed at least 4 Grueners.  One, possibly two great examples should be more than enough to represent Gruener Veltliner in  diverse selection of white wines.

I was served the Mantlerhof Weitgasse at a late lunch that turned epic (another story). My first impression was the balance of this wine. It is clean, dry, and crisp with good acidity that refreshes without ripping your face off.  It is laced with minerality across the palate. 

I had this wine with East Coast oysters and a dry mignonette.  While an over-chilled Chablis is my preference for oysters, this wine did not leave me longing for Chablis.  

If anything in the description peaks your interest, try this wine at $20.  It would ususally be priced at $25-26.


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