Frantoio Romano Olive Oil Teste di Moro (2 Types)

  • $58.00
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THE OILS, Packaged in a highly-desirable Teste di Morro vessel, make an amazing, unforgettable gift.  Beyond the packaging, the oil is amazing!

In the Matte White Teste, Etna DOP.  

"Etna DOP" olive oil refers to olive oil produced in the region surrounding Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy, which has been granted the "Denominazione di Origine Protetta" (DOP) status. This designation ensures that the olive oil meets specific criteria related to its geographical origin, production methods, and quality standards.

Mount Etna, an active volcano located on the east coast of Sicily, provides unique soil and climatic conditions that contribute to the distinctive characteristics of the olive oil produced in the region. The volcanic soil is rich in minerals, and the Mediterranean climate with its warm temperatures and ample sunlight provides ideal conditions for olive cultivation.

Etna DOP olive oil is typically made from a blend of local olive varieties, including Tonda Iblea, Biancolilla, Nocellara dell'Etna, and Moresca. These varieties contribute to the oil's complex flavor profile, which often features fruity notes with hints of herbs and spices, as well as a pleasant peppery finish.

To qualify for the Etna DOP designation, olive oil producers must adhere to strict production regulations established by the DOP consortium. These regulations cover various aspects of production, including olive cultivation, harvesting methods, extraction techniques, and chemical parameters. Additionally, the olives must be grown within a defined geographical area surrounding Mount Etna.

The Romano Vicenzo Monte Etna DOP Olive is balanced and complex. There are notes of artichoke accentuated by hints of thyme and basil. The mid palate hits with a strong peppery note and finishes with a slight bitterness, all of which are balanced by the green fruits that lead.   This is a high-quality olive oil that would be used as a finishing oil on salads or vegetables.  It can also be enjoyed on its own with crusty bread as a dip or condiment.

The Matte Black Testa is the "le Sciare"

The Le Sciare bottling of Frantoio Romano is their top-tier olive oil. LE SCIARE in Sicilian dialect is the land that developed over time by a flow of lava which cooled and hardened at the base of a volcano.  The mineral-rich soils give rise to a unique expression of terroir that is only found in olives grown in this area, and particularly at the base of the volcano.

Olives are hand-harvested and are subject to a rigorous selection process.  The extraction of oils is a delicate process that requires over 8 hours to complete.  The oil is incredibly smooth and delicately complex, almost etherial in the context of other olive oils.  The flavor profile is accentualted by notes of green tomato, herbs, pepper, and a distinct mineral note that is reminiscent on the palate that echoes the soils of the orchards where the olives are sourced. 



The "Teste di Moro", Head of the Moor, is an ubiquitous symbol found throughout Sicily.  It has a rich history and several interpretations. One of the most common stories behind the symbol dates back to the period of Arab rule in Sicily during the Middle Ages.

According to legend, during the Arab domination of Sicily, BOUTa Moorish princess named Zineb fell in love with a Norman knight named Ruggero. Despite their love, their union was forbidden due to their different backgrounds and the ongoing conflicts between the Normans and the Moors.

Ruggero, determined to be with Zineb, devised a plan to elope with her. He disguised himself as a Moorish warrior and managed to sneak into the palace where Zineb was held captive. Together, they escaped into the night, fleeing from pursuit.

However, their escape was short-lived. They were eventually caught by the pursuing soldiers, and Ruggero was killed in the ensuing battle. Heartbroken, Zineb took her own life rather than face capture and separation from her beloved.

In the aftermath of their tragic love story, the symbol of the Moor's head emerged. It is said to represent the severed head of Ruggero, which Zineb carried with her until her death. The motif of the Moor's head, often depicted as a dark-skinned face with a headband, came to symbolize the enduring love and tragic fate of Ruggero and Zineb.

Over time, the Teste di Moro became integrated into Sicilian culture and can be found adorning various objects such as ceramics, flags, and jewelry. While the symbol's origin may be rooted in myth and legend, it continues to hold significance as a cultural emblem of Sicily, representing themes of love, loss, and resilience.




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